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Ashbourne Landcare Group

The Ashbourne Landcare Group members are landholders and residents in and around the Ashbourne area, who are interested in caring for the flora and fauna of this special landscape.

Our aim is to promote and protect ecologically diverse and sustainable natural and agricultural environments.

Our Community

Our rural community enjoys an environment of farm, forest and open undulating land at the headwater of the Campaspe River. 
We provide land care advice and information to our community, promoting and facilitating a sustainable, ecologically diverse natural and agricultural environment.

Get Involved

Our Members are people who care for the environment: farmers, renters, tree changers, weekenders, townsfolk and more.
People join for a variety of reasons – to gain and share knowledge, access to funding opportunities through grant applications, build friendships and local support networks.

Our Resources

Sharing knowledge and guidance to our members and the local community is an integral part of the Ashbourne Landcare Group. We have information, tools, equipment, camp furniture and other resources available to assist with our members' land care activities.


End of year celebration

Join Us At Our Next Event!

If you'd like to work with us on projects that align with our goals and vision we'd love to hear from you! We welcome opportunities to share knowledge with our group and encourage collaborations with local and national government, organisations, landowners and other groups.
Help us care for our unique landscape and area! You can be involved a little or as much as you like.
Attend an event to learn more and meet members!
No events at the moment
Our Projects
Ashbourne Landcare Group Members are an active group of residents from in and around the Ashbourne area, who want to foster sustainable natural and agricultural environments.  Members are people who care for the environment and landscape, be they farmers, renters, tree changers, weekenders, townsfolk and more.
We have a number of Work/Interest Groups that relate to projects, the special interests of our Members and to our maintenance of the Ashbourne and Marsh Court Reserves. 
We aim to care for and protect the headwaters of the Campaspe River, rising in the Wombat Forest, beginning its journey to the Murray River by flowing through our important catchment.
Ashbourne Landcare Group

Join Us!

Become a member and get involved with Ashbourne Landcare:
  • Take part in field walks and talks

  • Hear informative guest speakers on a variety of topics

  • Carry out funded projects on public and private land

  • Join our well-planned working bees at Marsh Court and Ashbourne Reserves

  • Attend project discussion meetings

  • Help record flora, fauna and fungi information to build up ‘Our Patch’ profile

  • Special interest sub-groups are supported and encouraged.

Ashbourne Landcare Group
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Ashbourne Landcare Group
PO Box 1013, Woodend VIC 3442

ABN 78 088 581 851

©2022 Ashbourne Landcare Group. Privacy Policy

Website by KGMG Creative

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